Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
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An ARRL Sanctioned Event Presented by the
Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club
November 9, 2024
Marana Middle School
11285 West Grier Road
Marana, Arizona 85653
Great Fun !
Great Raffle Prizes!
Purchase raffle tickets online here.
Winner need not be present to win!
Prizes shipped directly to you!
Door prize drawings every half hour!
List of door prizes HERE.
Indoor VE Session!
Pre-registration for VE testing preferred but not required.
Email licensing@tucsonhamradio.org
Interesting Seminars!
Click here for seminar info
ARRL Booth
Award Card Checking and Logbook of the World assistance.
Coffee and Donuts Available
Food Truck
Serving Breakfast and Lunch
Gates open 7:00 AM for buyers
( Gates open 5:00 AM for sellers )
The Hamfest closes at 1:00 PM
Admission only $5.00
includes a bottle of water
Children under 12 free with a paid adult
Students free with any AZ school ID !!
Sellers only $10.00 per space
(includes 1 admission for seller)

Hamfest Latitude/Longitude Coordinates
32°27'11.68"N, 111°12'21.13"W