Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
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This Month at OVARC

What's New/Happening This Month...
August Membership Meeting - August 16, 2024 - 7 PM
Are you an ARRL Member ?
The ARRL, or American Radio Relay League, is a national association of amateur radio enthusiasts in the United States. Founded in 1914, it is one of the oldest and largest organizations dedicated to promoting and supporting amateur radio.
The ARRL offers a variety of services and benefits to its members, including advocacy for amateur radio interests, educational resources, training and certification programs, and a range of publications. It also plays a key role in organizing amateur radio contests, providing emergency communication support during disasters, and promoting technical and operational standards in the amateur radio community.
At our August meeting, Rick Paquette – W7RAP, our ARRL Arizona Section Manager, will talk about the ARRL and also give us an update on a few recent topics:
o The recent breach of the ARRL website and its aftermath
o A summary of the recent bi-annual ARRL Board of Directors meeting
o A brief status of the 2025 Yuma Hamcon activities
Presenter: Rick Paquette, K7RAP
Rick - W7RAP, has been a Radio Amateur since 1975 and holds an Amateur EXTRA class license. He lives adjacent to La-Cholla Airpark in Oro Valley. He retired as Missile Design Manager at Hughes/Raytheon in 2007. He has served as ARRL Section Manager since 2017, as Assistant Section Manager from 2011 through 2017, and as an ARRL VE team lead since 1998. He is a certified VE Team Lead with the ARRL, W5YI, and Laurel VECs. For over twenty-five years he has led VEC teams, conducting test sessions at ARRL Conventions and Hamfests.
Rick is an ARRL registered License Instructor as well as one of Gordon West's - WB6NOA certified Instructor/Elmers. He participates with “Gordo” in making presentations at Arizona Hamfests. Rick and his XYL Jeanne (KC7GRP), have been mentoring young Arizona Hams for years. He has been making ARRL presentations at Hamfests and club activities throughout Arizona since 2004.
He is past President of the General Dynamics Ham Club and The Hughes Catalina Radio Club. He is currently a member of several Amateur organizations: CADXA, SARBA, CARBA, Kachina, Yavapai, and the Cactus Intertie System.
Has been an AMSAT member, ARES qualified in 1990 and RACES certified in 1993. He participates in ARCA coordination meetings and is an ARCA representative. He maintains a linked UHF Remote Base repeater and a repeater and APRS Digipeater on Greens Peak. He participates daily in HF Nets, ARRL Nets, UHF Nets and D-Star. You can meet Rick on 3.933 MHz any evening at 5:30 PM.
Rick participates in the monthly ARRL TEAMS meetings with other Field Service Section Managers and ARRL Staff. He supports the ARRL staff at the Dayton Hamvention.
NEW LOCATION: Building A, Room 207
Pima Community College NW Campus
7600 N Shannon Rd,
For a MAP to the meeting location, see below:
(OVARC Groups.io Link (members only), click HERE)
Next Online Monthly Raffle - June 21, 2024.
OVARC will conduct its next "online raffle" April 19, 2024. An electronic process has been created to allow you to purchase your raffle tickets on-line, and a separate "randomization program" will select a winner. For more information and to purchase tickets, click HERE.