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OVARC News and Other Info

Club Sponsors

Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club would like to thank these organizations and individuals for their generous donations:

Oro Valley Fraternal Order of Police #53

OV FOP 53.PNG.jpeg
Western Communications.png
June 2024 Membership Meeting
_______________________________________________________________________________________NEW MEETING LOCATION: Building A, Room 207
Click HERE for details.


RF Exposure Rules Changes, Effective 3 May, 2023
Click HERE to see details.
________________________________________________________________________________________PDF - Evaluating Compliance with FCC
Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields
- Click
________________________________________________________________________________________ARRL RF Exposure Calculator Link, Click HERE
Next Online Monthly Raffle - June 21, 2024
OVARC will conduct its next "online raffle" on June 21, 2024. An electronic process has been created to allow you to purchase your raffle tickets on-line, and a separate "randomization program" will select a winner. For more information and to purchase tickets, click HERE.


Choosing your next "Contesting Computer".


Click HERE to read an interesting article about choosing your next
Contesting Computer.


Repeater Committee Announcements:
3/9/2022: Important Repeater News - Click HERE
2/26/2022: OVARC has a new Repeater Trustee
Unlike our personal Amateur Radio licenses, the FCC requires that Repeater licenses have a trustee to take responsibility for its operation. 
Beginning in February, 2022 David, AK2L is the NEW OVARC trustee of the W7AI repeaters.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Gary, KT7AZ for all his many years of hard work and dedication as the past W7AI Trustee.
We'd also like to thank David, AK2L for taking on this important responsibility for OVARC.
8/12/2020: Group Monitor Issue


The Repeater Committee has identified an issue on Yaesu C4FM radios which has the potential of causing a station operator’s radio to transmit a beacon on a repeater frequency every 20 seconds, for a duration of 0.4 seconds each. These transmissions are disruptive and can contribute to repeater timeouts, as well as cause interference for users trying to get into a repeater network.
The Group Monitor feature (GM button) found on Yaesu C4FM radios should ONLY be used on a simplex frequency. It should NEVER be used on a repeater frequency.
What is Group Monitor?
Think of Group Monitor as a glorified APRS system. You and a group of hams could set a private code on each of your radios, and then program the same simplex frequency into your radios. Each of you would press the GM button. Automatically, each of your radios would beacon every 20 seconds for 0.4 seconds. Once you are within simplex range of one of the other radios, your radio would notify you. There’s a lot more to this, so if you want to learn more, please read the manual that came with your radio.
The important thing to remember is to NEVER activate Group Monitor (GM) if you are monitoring a repeater frequency!
Thank you for your attention.
The OVARC Repeater Committee.



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